
The battleship G. Averoff launched in 1910 and played an important role in the modern history of Greece by taking part in the Balkan Wars, the operations of Asia Minor, as well as in World War I and II. She was decommissioned in 1952 and until 1983 she remained moored in Poros.

In 1984 the Hellenic Navy decided to convert her to a Floating Naval Museum and moved her to Faliro. Since then she has been there and honors the Hellenic Navy and the Naval Heritage of Greece with her presence.

In 2003 she was awarded for her services to her country with the gold medal of the Academy of Athens and in 2017 the flag of the Battleship was awarded by the President of the Hellenic Republic with the Senior Brigadier of the Order of the Savior.

Since 2010 she has been the headquarters ship of the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff and on her mast is suspended the Chief distinguishing mark with the 4 stars.

History of the Battleship

For the detailed history of the Battleship G. Averof, refer to the link

During the 1980s, the Hellenic Navy decided to build the Athenian Trireme which began on May 5, 1985 at shipyard of D. Tzakakos in Keratsini by Greek ship carpenters and ended in June 1987. On August 26, 1987 she was baptized “OLYMPIAS” and joined the Hellenic Navy. In May 2008 she was added as an exhibit to the Floating Naval Museum Battleship “Georgios Averof”.

History of Trireme OLYMPIAS

For the detailed history of Trireme OLYMPIAS please refer to the link: Construction of Trireme "OLYMPIAS" by the Hellenic Navy