
The term Interwar period refers to the time period between the First and World War II (1918-1939). During this period, the world was shocked by the economic crisis of 1929. The Greek Interwar period as opposed to the European, the period between 1922 and 1940 is defined historiographically, i.e. between Asia Minor Catastrophe and Greece’s entry into World War II: The defeat of the Hellenic Forces in Asia Minor marks the end of a decade of continuous wars, but and the collapse of the Great Idea after nearly a century of territorialism expansions and changes, due to successive population integrations. This is probably the most turbulent, contradictory period, but it is the key to a deeper understanding and formation of modern Greek society. This will be followed by historical events that have resulted in chain effects in many sectors of the country’s public life.

Then Averof returned to action, taking part in war readiness exercises and conducting official sailings. Fourteen years after the death of King Constantine I in exile, on November 12, 1936, Averof entered the port of Brinzi, Italy. On board was the Crown Prince Paul and Princess Irene. The ship’s mission was to return the coffins with the remains of King Constantine I and Queens Olga and Sophia, back to the Homeland.

Finally, it is worth considering the issue of the maintenance of G. Averof during the Interwar period, which went through many stages. This legendary ship went through a phase of modernization from 1925 to 1927, at the Societe des Forges shipyards in La Seyne, in Toulon, in the South of France. The most important parts of modernization involved the replacement of all boilers on board as well as the installation of a modern firing control system. After modernisation, followed by a period in which the maintenance and repairs of the ship were insufficient. As a result, he was not in the best possible condition just before the outbreak of World War II. Regarding the ship’s boiler tubes should have been replaced as early as 1934 and eventually their order was placed in 1939 in Belgium, where they were until the German invasion. In general, our fleet on the eve of the war was weakened due to economic problems.