Curriculum Vitae of the Director

HomeFloating Naval MuseumCurriculum Vitae of the Director
Vice Admiral Ioannis Kalogeropoulos HN

Vice-Admiral Ioannis Kalogeropoulos HN graduated from the Naval Cadet School in 1986. He has served in the fleet’s strike units, destroyers, frigates and missile boats, as well as in staff positions both in Greece and abroad.

Among others, he has served as: Press Representative of the General Staff of the Navy, Director of Personnel at the Naval Training Administration and at the Fleet Headquarters, Director of Human Resources and Organization at the General Staff of National Defense (GEETHA), as well as Chief Messenger of the Fleet Headquarters. He has also served as the Commander of the XENOS missile ship and the KANARIS frigate, as well as the Commander of the 2nd Missile Squadron (DMTPK 2), the Fast Ship Command (DTS), the Permanent Petty Officers School of the Navy (SMYN), the Naval War School (NSP) and the School of Naval Cadets (SND) for two years.

Additionally, he has served at the United States Central Command-USCENTCOM in Florida, participating in Operation Enduring Freedom, as well as at the EUROMARFOR (European Maritime Force) staff in Rome, Italy.

He graduated from the Inter-branch Defense Staff School, the Naval War School, and the National Defense School, while he is a graduate of the Department of Political Sciences and Public Administration of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, specializing in European Studies, as well as the University of LEICESTER of Britain in Business Administration. Finally, he has completed the PFP Communication Course in Mass Communication at SPITZ, Switzerland.

In March 2023, he was appointed to the position of Governor and Director of the Floating Naval Museum, Battleship Georgios Averof.

He has been honored with the following Decorations, Medals and Commemorations:

  • Brigadier General of the Order of Honor
  • Brigadier General of the Order of the Phoenix
  • Golden Cross of the Order of the Phoenix
  • Gold Cross of the Order of Honor
  • Medal of Military Merit 3rd and 2nd Class
  • Memoirs of Evdokimos Command 3rd and 2nd Class
  • Commemoration of Services of Second Class Staff Officers
  • Remembering Peace Missions
  • Nastrino di merito (Italy)