
The mission of the Floating Naval Museum is, the search, contemplation, gathering, organizing, preserving, protecting and maintaining all heirlooms and exhibits relating to the sea combats, as well as any kind of marine activity, of these warships, in order, while maintaining their authenticity, to be a means of promoting history, traditions, contribution and struggles of the Hellenic Navy and at the same time, to cultivate the Naval Historical Memory both for the members of the Hellenic Navy and society in general, in the context of their function as museum ships.

Today the Floating Naval Museum “G. Averof” is a sanctuary symbol through which are honored all those who served and fell for the homeland at sea. She is a living heirloom,She  is the Flagship of all Greeks that teaches the glorious Greek Naval Tradition, and the heroism of the Greeks. The Floating Naval Museum “G. Averof’’ has been for years an active educational community with daily school visits, institutions, organizations, as well as a multitude of individuals.

The Floating Naval Museum “G. Averof”  in parallel with her national purpose she also fulfills an educational mission.

In world history it is a question of whether we could meet another warship that has been linked for almost half a century to the history and destinies of a nation. The battleship “G. Averof”, perhaps the only exception, along with  Admiral Pavlos Kountouriotis’ personality and patriotic ethos, inextricably linked her name with the shaping of historical events of national importance, without, never to know defeat and dishonor and lower our Flag in front of the enemy.

Even after the peaceful epilogue of her war action, after World War II, the soul of “Uncle George” still remained alive, ready for the last battle. The fundraiser that announced the Hellenic Navy in 1984 in order to contribute to expenses restoration of the ship, brought excellent results, proof of strong symbolism that the battleship had established for decades in the collective consciousness of the Greeks. In her last battle, that of preserving historical memory, “G. Averof” came out once again as the winner.